Fin d’un rêve
Les rêves, c’est ce qu’on fait lorsqu’on dort. Et c’est exactement ce que faisaient les réacteurs des centrales nucléaires japonaises depuis la catastrophe de Fukushima-Daiichi, le 11 mars 2011, ils étaient “en...Tokyo
Retour sur les quelques jours passés à Tokyo au début du mois de juinLire plusAs Yukiko slept, her hair slept long and Japanese about her. She didn’t know that her hair was sleeping. Proteins needs to rest, too. She did not think like that. Her thoughts were basically very simple.
She combed her hair in the morning.
It was the first thing that she did when she woke up. She always combed it very carefully. Sometimes she would put it in a bun on top of her head in the classic Japanese manner. Sometimes she would let it hang long, reaching to her ass.
It was a little after ten in the evening in San Francisco.
Drops of Pacific rain fell against the window beside her bed, but she didn’t hear them because she was sound asleep. She always slept very well and sometimes she would sleep for long periods of time: twelve hours or so, enjoying it as if she were actually doing something like going for a walk or cooking a good meal. She also liked to eat.
As he tore up the shit of paper with words on it about a sombrero falling from the sky, she slept and her hair slept with her: long and dark next to her.
Her hair dreamt about being very carefully combed in the morning.
Lire plusI am the only American in this bar.
Everybody else is Japanese.
(reasonable / Tokyo)
I speak English.
They speak Japanese.
(of course)
They try to speak English. It’s hard.
I can’t speak Japanese. I can’t help.
We talk for a while, trying.
Then they switch totally to Japanese
for ten minutes.
They laugh. They are serious.
They pause between words.
I am alone again. I’ve been there before
in Japan, America, everywhere when you
don’t understand what somebody is
talking about.